Lumbar intradiscal pressure - LIBRIS
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12, 185 (1963). Google Scholar Study design: We conducted intradiscal pressure measurements with one volunteer performing various activities normally found in daily life, sports, and spinal therapy. Objectives: The goal of this study was to measure intradiscal pressure to complement earlier data from Nachemson with dynamic and long-term measurements over a broad range of activities. We conducted intradiscal pressure mea-surements with one volunteer performing various activities normally found in daily life, sports, and spinal therapy. Objectives. The goal of this study was to measure intradiscal pressure to complement earlier data from Nachemson with dynamic and long-term measurements over a broad range of activities. 2016-04-11 · As the most direct method of estimating spinal loads, intradiscal pressure (IDP) has been extensively studied in intervertebral discs in vivo (Nachemson and Morris, 1964, Sato et al., 1999, Takahashi et al., 2006, Wilke et al., 1999) and in vitro (McNally and Adams, 1992, Nachemson, 1960, Naylor and Smare, 1953, Panjabi et al., 1988) over the past six decades.
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Alf Nachemson, M.D. Uppsala . Alf Nachemson. Next Article A SIMPLE METHOD OF INTRA-ARTERIAL By using a special technique for intradiscal pressure measurements on necropsy material, one of us demon- strated that the nucleus pulposus in a normal and also in a moderately degenerated disc behaves hydrostatically- i.e., the pressure in all but severely degenerated discs is uniformly distributed in the nucleus. 6-8 The relation- ship between applied load per unit of area (p) and nuclear pressure (Pn) has been established.
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A 3rd Special Issue of the Journal of Biomechanics including 32 original articles is now available online. 15 Sep 2015 (2001) wanted to compare intradiscal pressures and spinal fixator loads Nachemson (1966, 1981) reported 40% higher intradiscal pressure 21 Aug 2010 ABSTRACT. Objective: The goal of this study was to measure intradiscal pressure to complement earlier data from Nachemson with dynamic and LIBRIS titelinformation: Lumbar intradiscal pressure : experimental studies on post-mortem material / Alf Nachemson.
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The most important in vivo data are from pioneering intradiscal pressure measurements recorded by Nachemson during the 1960s. Since that time, there have been few data to corroborate or dispute High intradiscal pressures (ten to fifteen kilograms per square centimeter) were found in the normal discs with the subject in the sitting position. In all cases, pressures were highest in the sitting position, about 30 per cent less in the standing position, and about 50 per cent less in the reclining than in the sitting position. Measurement of intradiscal pressure is instrumental in explaining, from a mechanical point, the occurrence of posterior ruptures in the lumbar discs, and provides a basis for the rational treatment of patients with low-back pain in so far as these exhibit increase of pain on increased mechanical loads. Intravitally-performed measurements of disc pressure over the last 20 years in more than 100 individuals have demonstrated how the load on the lumbar disc varies with the position of the subject's body and during the performance of various tasks, both in standing and in sitting. We referred to data from Nachemson and from Sato et al.
It does not have anything to do with intradiscal pressures. In Vivo Measurements of Intradiscal Pressure: Discometry, a Method for the Determination of Pressure in the Lower Lumbar Discs Volume 51 of Technical report, University of California Biomechanics Laboratory: Authors: Alf Louis Nachemson, James Marshall Morris: Contributor: United States. Veterans Administration: Publisher
This is where researchers measure the intradiscal pressure (pressure on the spinal discs) in response to compressive load. You’re probably familiar with this chart (below) by Nachemson, where he displays how disc pressure changes (increases and/or decreases) depending on body position.
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High intradiscal pressures (ten to fifteen kilograms per square centimeter) were found in the normal discs with the subject in the sitting position. In all cases, pressures were highest in the sitting position, about 30 per cent less in the standing position, and about 50 per cent less in … The most important in vivo data are from pioneering intradiscal pressure measurements recorded by Nachemson during the 1960s. Since that time, there have been few data to corroborate or dispute We referred to data from Nachemson and from Sato et al. regarding intradiscal pressure and to the methods of Shirazi-Adl for data for other material characteristics (see text for these references).
Spine 1999; 24(8): 755-62. [11] Nachemson ALF, Morris JM. In vivo measurements of intradiscal pressure: discometry, a method for the determination of pressure in the lower lumbar discs. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1964; 46(5): 1077-92. [12] Nachemson ALF.
Nachemson A, Morris Jm (1964) In Vivo Measurements of Intradiscal Pressure.
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Sagittal halsryggställning fem år efter operation med fusion
Next Article A SIMPLE METHOD OF INTRA-ARTERIAL By using a special technique for intradiscal pressure measurements on necropsy material, one of us demon- strated that the nucleus pulposus in a normal and also in a moderately degenerated disc behaves hydrostatically- i.e., the pressure in all but severely degenerated discs is uniformly distributed in the nucleus. 6-8 The relation- ship between applied load per unit of area (p) and nuclear pressure (Pn) has been established.
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Sagittal halsryggställning fem år efter operation med fusion
per sq. in.) in the subjects measured. The most reliable results seemed to come from the intradiscal pressure measurements from studies by Nachemson, 1966. A new similar study by Wilke et al.
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Measurement of intradiscal pressure is instrumental in explaining, from a mechanical point, the occurrence of posterior ruptures in the lumbar discs, and provides a basis for the rational treatment of patients with low-back pain in so far as these exhibit increase of pain on increased mechanical loads. The L5 (last low back) disc has the greatest pressure. In addition, disc pressure changes with changes in bodily positions and activities. Pioneering Swedish orthopedic specialist and professor Alf Nachemson, MD, PhD, [1931-2006] developed a method to measure intradiscal pressures (3). intradiscal pressure measurements showed that distraction tension routinely applied by the VAX-D equipment reduced the intradiscal pressure significantly, to negative levels in the range of-100 to -160 mm Hg. The relationship between distraction tensions and intradiscal pressure changes for three patients is presented in Table 1.
Authors. Alf Nachemson, Gösta Elfström. Publisher. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. Original from. the University of Michigan. High intradiscal pressures (ten to fifteen kilograms per square centimeter) were found in the normal discs with the subject in the sitting position.