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cornea, fascia lon-•20 Nilss. p. 79. Testa valde deprssa, subtus plana, supra parum concava, te-Pl. Ill. Apothecia præcedentis triplo majora , innata , plana , atra , intus cornea nigra , margine tenui subangulato , disco lævi æquabili convexiusculo .

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2011. cornea opaca; cornea verticillata; Look at other dictionaries: Cornea plana 2 CORNEA PLANA CORNEA PLANA Larsen, Victor; Eriksen, Arne 1949-06-01 00:00:00 Cornea Plana is an eye anomaly that seems to be comparatively little known, judging from the fact that it is very briefly dealt with in the literature, for instance in Kurzes Handbuch, and barely mentioned by Duke-Elder. Only a few cases of cornea plana have so far been reported. Cornea Plana: CNA: Commander's Narrative Analysis: CNA: Code Not Allocated: CNA: Customer Network Address: CNA: Conventional Nuclear Arms (Military WMD) CNA: Conference Notification Announcement: CNA: Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc. CNA: Concilio Nacional de Asesores (Spanish: National Council of Advisors; Puerto Rico) 2006-10-01 Cornea plana is an abnormally flat shape of the cornea such that the normal protrusion of the cornea from the sclera is missing.

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5—6 ; apertura 18. f.

Kungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar

HELIX planorbis testa subcarinata umbilicata plana , fupra concava : apertura HELIX cornea testa supra umbilicata plana nigricans , anfra & ibus quatuor  Calocera cornea. Gullpigg.

Cornea plana


Hei! Olen itse jo ehtinyt täyttää 50 v, muttta minulla itselläni todettiin jo 6v ikäisenä cornea plana. Olen siis käyttänyt laseja lähes koko ikäni. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Enlargement of the cornea with flattening is characteristic of cornea plana although corneal diameters vary widely. Corneal thinning may be present. The mean corneal refraction value at the horizontal median has been measured at 37.8 D for the dominant form (CNA 1) of the disease, compared with 29.9 D for the recessive form (CNA 2) and 43.4 D for controls accounting for the hyperopia found among many patients.

The genes localize to the long arm of chromosome 12 with mutations in the KERA genes being implicated (Gupta and Kim 2011). (kōr'nē-ă plā'nă) A congenital disorder in which the arc of curvature of the cornea is flatter than normal, leaving the eye hyperopic. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?

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Pisidium, F. et H. et auct. De nästan plana eller atminstone föga hvälfda bückeltopparna äro föga  arkiven av Centro Fotográficos månatliga Luna Cornea-utgåva hittade vi fler bilder akrylfärg och slutligen har de fotografiska delarna limmats fast på de plana  det samlas upp i åkerdiken och leds bort. Eftersom lågmarkerna är förhållandevis plana är Calocera cornea. Dvärggullhorn. Calocera furcata.

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Cupping (glaucoma). Lattice Upward lens subluxation.

Mätområde 6-20 mm.